GraceNotes: Holding the Space for … Reflection
#152 — December 1, 2024 |
Our time on this earth is sacred, and we should celebrate every moment. — Paulo Coelho Greetings, Inspired Seekers: Happy End of the Year! Given the state of the world, that might be a better greeting than a simple Happy Holidays. This year has been a roller coaster ride of surprises – some good and some not-so-good – and tribulations, hopes and fears. And we try, desperately, in our humanness, to understand all of it. However, our spiritual selves know that the best things can't really be fully expressed and much of life is often misunderstood in all of its glorious messiness. The challenge, as we enter the rich holiday season, is to acknowledge that we are limited by language to express it all. This month, we will celebrate Advent, Bodhi Day, Yule, Hanukkah and Christmas as well as St. Steven's Day and Kwanzaa; and we will try to make meaning out of all of it within the context of a world seemingly turned upside down. But, that is what we have always done. In the same way we try to interpret the essence of dance, music, art, poetry, and prayer, we seek the expression of meaning and value, the resolution of questions – all within the limits of speech. And, as we finally have to admit, interpretation is subjective, achieved by processing it all through our filters. There are few answers and often many misunderstandings. But, we persevere, because the Season of Waiting, the Enlightenment, the Solstice, the celebration of culture, the oil that outlasted expectations, and the Baby in the manger are so much bigger, deeper and richer than words. As we enter the New Year, may those words, limited though they may be, keep us curious, humble, hopeful and seeking the Presence of Spirit in each new moment of each new day. Happy Holy Days! Celebrate all of them! Grace, Always Yours, Question of the Month: How will you seek new ways to acknowledge the Holy in all of us? The Reverend Dr. Deborah Darlington celebrates the holy days of all peoples with joyous abandon. She can be reached for sacred celebrations and inspirational speaking at GraceMatters@TheSpaceForGrace.com or at 215 260 1611. |
www.TheSpaceForGrace.com |