GraceNotes: Holding the Space for … Reflection

#146 — June 1, 2024

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.

— Marilyn Monroe

Greetings, Inspired Seekers:

Please take a good look at the picture above. It may look like a shot of an ordinary pair of hiking boots and, to some, they may be. But to me, these are sacred shoes.

These shoes have carried me across Greece, Spain and Turkey; they have allowed me to explore the sacred grounds of numerous hiking trails in this country. They have danced across the Mediterranean and have stepped upon the same stones as St. Paul, Mary and St. John stepped upon during their travels in Ephesus. They have stood quietly at a holy well and cushioned my landing as I witnessed the Call to Prayer, far away from home. Yes, these are sacred shoes. And they are not done yet; not ready to be turned in or retired. They are just hitting their stride.

Those who know me, know of my passion (some would say obsession) with shoes. We all have our favorites – the ones we slip on as old friends who know us well, the shiny ones that put a sparkle in our step, the ones who cry out to be noticed and the ones that, while we love them, are a little difficult to put up with. And then, there are the sacred ones. The ones who whisk us onto new adventures, who offer firm, yet gentle support, all the while encouraging and expecting great new explorations from us. These shoes always find their place to rest at the end of the day and are ready to go to work for us the following morning. We trust them. We rely upon them. We look forward to lacing up.

These shoes represent my faith, always there, pushing up the mountain tops, gripping the earth when I otherwise might slip and fall; they protect and permit me to climb into the unknown and, yes, every now and then, they become a bit uncomfortable. Faith is like that. And these shoes have taught me that lesson and so many more.

June brings us into the fullness of summer, a time when we find ourselves enjoying the outdoors and the many landscapes that are set before us. Beaches, mountains, trails and rivers are all ours for the taking and it is our shoes that tolerate these expeditions of uncertainty and reassure us that we will have sure footing. They allow us to go beyond the familiar, into parts unknown.

Maybe it's time to take a look in your closet, to mull over your shoe collection and see what inspires you. Perhaps you will uncover some hidden inspiration that, like your faith, will embolden you to build upon what you know and, with great curiosity, unearth treasures that fill your heart and enliven your spirit.

Happy travels!

Grace, Always Yours,
Reverend Deborah

Question of the Month: What new lands of faith will you explore this month?

The Reverend Dr. Deborah Darlington is a traveling companion for people who wish to learn, study and engage the spiritual. She can be reached at or 215 260 1611 for Sacred Celebrations, Rituals of Passage and Spiritual Coaching.