GraceNotes: Holding the Space for … Reflection

#122 — June 1, 2022

There are no words for this unholy time.

Greetings, Inspirational Seekers!

It is difficult to write this newsletter with the events of the week still burning painfully in my heart. I hope that you will be able to read and digest it, even as the embers of evil continue to burn into your soul. These are not easy days.

This is a time for us to seek and sit in the “liminal space.” That space where we are neither in nor out, the space where we are betwixt and between and, while it is a space of grace, it doesn't feel that way. It feels as if we are in a void, empty of all grace and blessing. This is the space we tend to visit when we experience something horrific, something unspeakable and the unexplainable; it is not a space where we like to stay. It is a space where that unmentionable “thing” seems to coil around our hearts and begins to choke. And that, dear friends, is where we sit today. Again.

We feel helpless as we watch the unfolding of events that we are not, in any way, able to control. We are vulnerable and empty. But – we are also receptive. We sit in this hollow space hoping, waiting, for the new. The improved. The return to the normal of another time that does not exist anymore. This is who we are.

While it does not feel good in this space, this is fertile soil for spiritual growth that leads to actions that can help and heal. There is no place to hide from our grief, our pain, our desire for change, our need to understand. This is the time, this is the space to move from contemplation into action and transform prayers into plans. Plans that help and heal.

This is the time to stop doing the things we've always done and to try something new. It is the time to give voice where we have been silent and to be silent where we have, previously, been the first to speak. It is the time for all of us, from many traditions, to spring forth and band together. To be the change agents our world so desperately need.

We are clearly facing a crisis of outrageous proportions and our once safe world has been shattered. This time, this moment must flow from a place of deep connection to all. It is a time for us to become that which we were called to – to be the healers of the world, the voice of the broken and the courage for the lost.

If all of us, from all the faith traditions of the world, can unite against this wave of violence, what a host of miracles will be bestowed upon this earth! I urge us all to be a part of it. To stand, in faith, united, with one purpose, to heal the broken and to stop the pain.

Grace, Always Yours,
Reverend Deborah

Question of the Month: How will you stand up and protect the vulnerable?

The Reverend Dr. Deborah Darlington is an Interfaith Minister committed to serving the most vulnerable. She can be reached at or at 215 260 1611. for keynotes on the peaceful process of Interfaith and the healing arts.